Avada comes packaged with several shortcode designs to display your recent blog posts. And each style has several meta options that allow you to customize the shortcode; choose number of columns 1-4, number of posts, set a category, show or hide thumbnails, meta, excerpt, excerpt length and more!

Recent News Default Style

  • Grand Canyon Ministries Rim River Hike Backpack

Grand Canyon Christian Tours

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If you want to experience the Grand Canyon like never before with a Biblical [...]

  • London Christian Tour with Nate Loper Creation Science Biblical Archaeology Church History

London Christian Tour

|Comments Off on London Christian Tour

Join us in London September 20-26, 2021 as we tour England’s capital and experience its [...]

  • London Christian Tour with Nate Loper Email Header

London Christian Tour 2017!

|Comments Off on London Christian Tour 2017!

Travel around London, England with us September 18-27! Explore its rich scientific, literary, and cultural [...]

  • prayer of St. Patrick

Prayer of St. Patrick

|Comments Off on Prayer of St. Patrick

St. Patrick's Breastplate is a popular prayer attributed to one of Ireland’s most beloved patron [...]

Recent News Thumbnails On Side Style

  • Grand Canyon Ministries Rim River Hike Backpack

Grand Canyon Christian Tours

|Comments Off on Grand Canyon Christian Tours

If you want to experience the Grand Canyon like never before with [...]

  • London Christian Tour with Nate Loper Creation Science Biblical Archaeology Church History

London Christian Tour

|Comments Off on London Christian Tour

Join us in London September 20-26, 2021 as we tour England’s capital and [...]

  • London Christian Tour with Nate Loper Email Header

London Christian Tour 2017!

|Comments Off on London Christian Tour 2017!

Travel around London, England with us September 18-27! Explore its rich scientific, literary, [...]

  • prayer of St. Patrick

Prayer of St. Patrick

|Comments Off on Prayer of St. Patrick

St. Patrick's Breastplate is a popular prayer attributed to one of Ireland’s most [...]

Recent News Date On Side Style

Grand Canyon Christian Tours

|Comments Off on Grand Canyon Christian Tours

If you want to experience the Grand Canyon like never before with a Biblical creation perspective, then you have to check out Canyon Ministries! Since 1997 [...]

London Christian Tour

|Comments Off on London Christian Tour

Join us in London September 20-26, 2021 as we tour England’s capital and experience its rich scientific, literary, and cultural history! Creation Science • Biblical Archaeology • [...]

London Christian Tour 2017!

|Comments Off on London Christian Tour 2017!

Travel around London, England with us September 18-27! Explore its rich scientific, literary, and cultural history. www.LondonChristianTour.com With private guided Christian tours through amazing places like the [...]

Prayer of St. Patrick

|Comments Off on Prayer of St. Patrick

St. Patrick's Breastplate is a popular prayer attributed to one of Ireland’s most beloved patron saints. According to tradition, St. Patrick wrote it in 433 A.D. for [...]

Use Them In 1-4 Columns

  • Grand Canyon Ministries Rim River Hike Backpack

Grand Canyon Christian Tours

|Comments Off on Grand Canyon Christian Tours

If you want to experience the Grand Canyon like never before with a Biblical creation perspective, then you have to check out Canyon Ministries! Since 1997 Canyon Ministries has operated at the Grand Canyon, [...]

  • London Christian Tour with Nate Loper Creation Science Biblical Archaeology Church History

London Christian Tour

|Comments Off on London Christian Tour

Join us in London September 20-26, 2021 as we tour England’s capital and experience its rich scientific, literary, and cultural history! Creation Science • Biblical Archaeology • Church History With private guided Christian tours through [...]

Many Meta Options Like Excerpt Length, Category, Posts, Columns

  • Grand Canyon Ministries Rim River Hike Backpack

Grand Canyon Christian Tours

|Comments Off on Grand Canyon Christian Tours

If you want to experience the Grand Canyon like never before with a Biblical creation perspective, then you have to check out Canyon Ministries! Since 1997 Canyon Ministries has operated at the Grand Canyon, guiding river trips on the Colorado River, as well as bus and hiking tours of the Grand Canyon's South Rim. The entire Grand Canyon guide team [...]

  • London Christian Tour with Nate Loper Creation Science Biblical Archaeology Church History

London Christian Tour

|Comments Off on London Christian Tour

Join us in London September 20-26, 2021 as we tour England’s capital and experience its rich scientific, literary, and cultural history! Creation Science • Biblical Archaeology • Church History With private guided Christian tours through amazing places like the British Museum, Natural History Museum, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, and much more, this trip is sure to open your eyes not [...]

  • London Christian Tour with Nate Loper Email Header

London Christian Tour 2017!

|Comments Off on London Christian Tour 2017!

Travel around London, England with us September 18-27! Explore its rich scientific, literary, and cultural history. www.LondonChristianTour.com With private guided Christian tours through amazing places like the British Museum, Natural History Museum, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, and much more, this trip is sure to open your eyes not only to the heritage of this world-famous city, but also the foundation [...]

Grand Canyon Christian Tours

|Comments Off on Grand Canyon Christian Tours

If you want to experience the Grand Canyon like never before with a Biblical creation perspective, then you have to check out Canyon Ministries! Since 1997 Canyon Ministries has operated at the Grand Canyon, guiding river trips on the Colorado River, as well as bus and hiking tours of the Grand Canyon's South Rim. The entire Grand Canyon guide team [...]

London Christian Tour

|Comments Off on London Christian Tour

Join us in London September 20-26, 2021 as we tour England’s capital and experience its rich scientific, literary, and cultural history! Creation Science • Biblical Archaeology • Church History With private guided Christian tours through amazing places like the British Museum, Natural History Museum, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, and much more, this trip is sure to open your eyes not [...]

London Christian Tour 2017!

|Comments Off on London Christian Tour 2017!

Travel around London, England with us September 18-27! Explore its rich scientific, literary, and cultural history. www.LondonChristianTour.com With private guided Christian tours through amazing places like the British Museum, Natural History Museum, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, and much more, this trip is sure to open your eyes not only to the heritage of this world-famous city, but also the foundation [...]

Features and Customizations

  • Three awesome designs to choose from
  • Works with all column sizes and unlimited use and posts
  • Set columns, posts, category, thumbnails, title, meta, excerpt & length
  • Perfect for using on any page you need to highlight your blog posts